The Customer

MAGES Studio is all about empowering businesses to improve performance. For over a decade, we have worked with companies of all sizes to suggest valuable solutions to further business goals. We understand the need to constantly suggest winning your customer’s attention and help in growing your revenue.

With a combination of experience, creativity, and a clear focus on creating business value, our team has what it takes to help you win.

The Compelling Need

Coming to the case study of MAGES Studio, despite its online success, the company's potential for growth was being hampered by lack of digital visibility.

The structure of the website made it difficult for Google to identify and index valuable content other than the top pages. Despite the site's restrictions, they required a solution to scalably increase their percentage of organic search traffic.

The Challenge

MAGES Studio had no search engine presence when they hired City Innovates as their digital marketing solution provider. It was vital to strategize in such a manner that it quickly indexed on the appropriate keywords. Once indexed, the next step was to work on digital solutions to get the competitive keywords on the first page of search results. Aside from that, the goal was to attract a steady stream of visitors to their website in order to generate potential leads. It was challenging to generate quick traffic from organic sources and third-party websites. One of the most complex challenges was obtaining backlinks from authoritative websites as it required a very high level of content and strategy.

The Strategy

  • Mages Studios services that they offered were quite unique. A full stack agency of artists, designers and developers that partners with companies to develop meaningful interactive experiences. This was to be leveraged.
  • City Innovates conducted a market and regional research on MAGES offers in order to determine how to position its differentiators in the market. It also researched its market competitors. The website's SEO relevance was evaluated. City Innovates advised MAGES Studio on all appropriate keyword and phrase selections.
  • Next phase was to optimize the page title and meta tags and enhance existing content to improve SEO performance. Where content didn’t exist, we developed SEO-friendly content explaining the services of MAGES Studio or product categories using the language their consumers use when searching with both direct and semantically-related target keywords. Lastly, we added internal links with appropriate anchor text.

Implementation & Outcome

The strategy's execution phase went extremely well. MAGES Studio supported City Innovates' prompt approvals, and contributed continual value, resulting in renewed efforts through pace and quality of work. Regular monthly online review meetings continued to offer new elements to the campaign which assisted in its improvement. Overall, the client was satisfied with the effort, technical proficiency, and commitment of our team, as well as the resultant outcomes.

MAGES Studio saw an increase in both Google ranking positions and the traffic. Organic traffic was up 64.69% over a period of 6 months. A total of 19 keywords were on the 1st page of Google, and 12 keywords on the 2nd page.